When I asked a coaching client what she wanted to focus on in our work together, she replied, “Everyone says you can have it all, but I’m not sure how to do that.” My response was “Have you defined what IT is for you?”
Trying to have IT all has been a common challenge for decades, especially with working parents. The global pandemic has increased the choices and challenges of where to live, how and where to work, how to spend time, and where one derives satisfaction.
I was deep in this struggle around the age of 35-trying to juggle home, friends, family, and my passion for work and volunteer activities. I thought there must be some magic formula that would make it all so simple, but boy, was I wrong. As I’ve coached hundreds of professionals, I’ve found there is no single definition of what having IT all means or how one can achieve that elusive IT. We all have different needs and desires in terms of work, friends, family, travel, volunteer, physical activity, continuing education, and the arts. We all have different resources and support systems to help us navigate our lives. We all have different sources of satisfaction. Creating a satisfying life full of what you need isn’t impossible, but does take a good amount of reflection, self-awareness and planning. Like my coaching client, each person needs to first define what IT means to them and then organize their life around their IT.
Define what IT means to you
- What’s most important to you- work, family, friends, exercise, volunteerism, travel, etc?
- For what do you want to be known? By whom do you want to be known – who matters to you?
- At the end of your life, what will you be most proud of?
- Since personal values guide one’s decision-making, what are your top 5 values? How do those values help you make decisions related to living a full and satisfying life?
- If you could describe a perfect day or perfect week, what would that look like? Where would you be, and with whom? In what kind of activities would you engage?
Create a simple phrase, a list of words, or a graphic that describe what IT is for you.
Organize your life around your IT
- What kind of activities align with your IT? How can you build them into your weekly schedule?
- What support systems do you need to support your IT becoming a reality- family, friends, food/cleaning/delivery/daycare services, religious organizations, arts, travel and exercise?
- What trusted individuals can hold you accountable for living your IT? What do they need to do to help you?
Only you can decide what a full and satisfying life means for you. Only you can organize your life in a way that aligns with your IT. Once you do those two things, you’ll be able to fully experience all the good things that a full life can bring!
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